
Hi! I'm HARRIETTE BLYE from Rise To Joy!

Do You Need A Positive Attitude, Try Gratitude

Published over 1 year ago • 3 min read

Personal Growth

Do You Need A Positive Attitude? Try Gratitude

These are a few intangible things gratitude can add to our lives. Happiness, kindness, better health, quality sleep, relaxation, love, appreciation, strong marriage, and less illness.

I thought this an appropriate time of year for this discussion. We give up our time to each other, we share gifts, experiences and money.

A friend confided she didn’t know how to be grateful. I said, “let's change the word to thankful.” She also asked, “what do I have to be thankful for and how do I do it?” My thoughts floated back to when I started my first daily gratitude journal.

I told her cultivating gratitude is a skill like any new skill we learn. I explained how to keep a five-minute daily written journal of tangible things she can see and feel to be thankful for.

An example was her car, the meals friends prepared when she was sick, the sun, a good night’s sleep, the pain that sent her to the doctor, and discovered a serious health problem that was later resolved, her healthy children, her job and her apartment.

I ask her to quickly write five things she is grateful for and do this each morning for a month. After a month of gratitude journaling it has become a habit.

Promoting gratitude does not have to be done on paper. It can be done in any place you are awake and aware.

You can say silent thank you mentally for a gift you received, a smile from a stranger when you needed it, a phone call that made you giggle, or something really big like getting your dream job.

Have you passed someone on the street and sent them a blessing. Try it. It will make you smile.

What are some of the benefits of being thankful/grateful?

Social Benefits

  • You become a kinder person
  • Develop more friendships
  • Create deeper relationships

Health Benefits

  • Better sleep
  • Your heart rate slows down
  • You have increased energy
  • You live longer

Emotional Benefits

  • Be more relaxed
  • Less envious of others
  • Overall positive about life
  • Make more good memories

Gratitude can be offered in person when someone does something for you. Your hairdresser, your waiter, your doctor, or the bus driver delivering you to your destination safely.

A thank you is always in order. You are saying I appreciate you! An added monetary value maybe indicated at times as well. An example is to your waiter or hairdresser.

Cultivating gratitude is a skill. After several weeks of practice, the ability to generate feelings of gratitude and happiness on command comes easily and will make you feel good.

Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life.Rumi

It has been said that a grateful heart causes countless blessings to flow toward it based on the law of action and reaction.

Check out the article below. Interesting read.

Honor Yourself!

Gratitude, What Is It and How To Practice It

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Personal Health

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Urinary incontinence (UI) is when you lose control of your bladder. You may have (UI) if you drip, drip, and drip from your bladder and you can’t control it. Does your bladder leak when you cough?

Can you hold your urine when you have the urge to urinate? Those are a few teaser questions to make you think about your urinary health.

In the 13 minute video below, JJ Medicine discuss the types of urinary incontinence (stress, urge,overflow, and functional). Along with risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

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Video Discussing Urinary Incontinence in Women

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What is Happening on Your Outside is a Mirror of What is Happening For Your Inside

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Hi! I'm HARRIETTE BLYE from Rise To Joy!

I am devoted to writing and sharing life’s lessons, which I learned from my diverse experiences. I am a retired Registered Respiratory Therapist, who owned several General Motors franchises. I love drawing, swimming, gardening, and quantum physics.

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