
Hi! I'm HARRIETTE BLYE from Rise To Joy!

Declutter Like an Expert

Published over 1 year ago • 3 min read

Welcome to a new year. Let's bring the good stuff forward to carry with us, and leave the dead weight, old baggage and all injuries behind.

Volume III Issue I

Personal Growth

What Area Should You Declutter and How To Get It Done

Living in a cluttered environment does not mean you are not clean. It means you hoard stuff and you can't let go. Most people I know are sentimental hoarders including me.

I have items belonging to my mother, husband, aunt and daughter all of whom have passed away.

I feel like if I get rid of their loved treasures, I am losing them again. This is nonsense of course.

Actually, I have moved three times in the past twenty years, and had to downsize. I have decluttered mostly my stuff.

The first decision to make is what area of your life you intend to declutter.

What Areas To Declutter?

  • Home
  • Personal Life
  • Automobile
  • Work area
  • Computer

My problem is I am not a minimalist. I like stuff around me. My mother liked stuff. She passed this disease on to me.

My sisters have it too. To my higher self I say - enough right now!

Oh, I know it’s not easy.

“Decluttering is infinitely easier when you think of it as deciding what to keep, rather than deciding what to throw away.” Francine Jay.

Is your living space in disarray with lots of stuff? How do you feel when you see it? Does it make you feel uneasy, overwhelmed and confused?

If you are struggling to focus, look around your home or work area. If you have a messy desk, your productivity goes down. It may be time to declutter. Experts say being in a tidy space has many benefits:

  • Improve mood.
  • Decrease stress.
  • Improve sleep.
  • Improve your ability to let go.
  • Improved mental clarity.

We all know it's not as easy as it sounds. It starts with a willingness to get rid of things.

For example, when I clean out my refrigerator and toss the unusable food, wipe the shelves and sides down, I feel good when I open the door. I may decide to cook.

I also enjoy that free feeling with a clean closet and spacious drawers.

One process I use for closets, shelves, and drawers is to remove all the items, and only place back into the space items I will realistically use or wear again.

As I move to the next area, I recall the feeling I have when I look at my newly cleaned closet or shelf. I feel a sense of accomplishment that keep me going.

How To Do It, Where To Start?

To declutter try these tips from the pros - Marie Kondo: What Sparks Joy, Fly Lady: Do a Little Every Day, Colleen Madsen: Remove 1 Item a Day or The Minimalists Packing Party.

Check out those strategies, and decide which process resonate with you and get on with it. Expert strategies

Find a place for like items.

Put items back when finished their use.

Do not get a second home for stuff. (Storage Facility)

Storage bins, use sparingly.

Bring in one thing, take one thing out.

Dump duplicates.

Keep a junk box handy for donations of all sorts.

Be careful with collections.

Books, no! Try the library first.

Celebrate Your Efforts

The work to declutter may be a long term process, remember to take time to celebrate your efforts in a way that resonate with you.

For me, now is the time to declutter my scarves. I will find a way to honor my accomplishment when the task is done.

Why Decluttering Can Make You Healthier

By Matthew Clark - - 3 min

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Personal Health

Health Data Liberation

Patients can now access all their health records digitally.

For many years I have enjoyed online access to my medical records through My Chart.

My x-rays, lab work and my doctor visits are easily accessible to me. I can share my medical records with any medical personel or family member I desire.

It gives me complete control over my records therefore, I can make good health care decisions based on accurate information.

Under a federal rules taking effect October, 2022, organizations must give patients access to their full health records in digital format.

No more fax machines, exorbitant charges and long delays.

Data Liberation

By Casey Ross - Statnews

Probiotics - The Good Bad and Ugly

There are so many benefits to learning the answers to these important questions about probiotics:

  • What are they and their benefits?
  • How do they work?
  • Where else in your body do they live other than large intestine?
  • Can they help with medical conditions?
  • What are the most common types of probiotic bacteria?
  • Do I need to take probiotics after taking antibiotics?
  • Can I get probiotics from food?
  • Can I take or eat something to increase the good probiotics (microbes) in my body?

In this article probiotics most of your questions are answered. Don’t fail to check it out.

The Cleveland Clinic

5 Things To Quit Right Now

  1. Trying to please everyone. It can't be done.
  2. Fearing change. Embrace it and learn from it.
  3. Living in the past. The past is dead. Sorry about that.
  4. Putting yourself down. You are beautiful and unique.
  5. Overthinking. Don't be trigger happy, but not slow on the draw either.

Love, tolerance and peace,

Harriette Blye

Hi! I'm HARRIETTE BLYE from Rise To Joy!

I am devoted to writing and sharing life’s lessons, which I learned from my diverse experiences. I am a retired Registered Respiratory Therapist, who owned several General Motors franchises. I love drawing, swimming, gardening, and quantum physics.

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